Difference is a driver of governance. In a private sector business, in order to deliver the highest long-term performance to your shareholders you have to be, not a compliant Board, but a high functioning Board. And we believe that Culture and Composition are critical factors in this. The role of the Chair is fundamental.
We have worked (confidentially) with the Chairs of FTSE Companies, University Governing Councils and large Charities.
Paying attention to difference – recruiting for and managing it so that you have the widest possible set of perspectives on your business around the table – has assisted them to develop a culture of challenge which has enhanced the rigour with which their Boards assess, manage and take risk, plan succession, hold the executive to account and develop strategy.
In the public sector, Higher Education or the Third Sector, much of this also applies. But in addition you will have responsibilities in law and to a public agenda in which diversity plays a key role.
Our method of Board Evaluation and Development combines the best of external facilitation with the best of internal stewardship. By engaging the Board itself to analyse its own performance and then identify solutions and changes, it will derive a far greater benefit from Board Evaluation than calling in the consultants with the clipboard to tell you what’s wrong.